Global Legal Services

Pro Bono

Our firm and our associates are dedicated to increasing access to justice through innovative uses of ideas, technology and increased volunteer lawyer participation and facilitating the low-income and non-affording people in need of our services. Our associate attorneys help fill the gaps for those who would otherwise go unrepresented in legal matters that affect their lives and the lives of their families. Our associate lawyers also participate in outreach programs, run local pro se clinics, and make community legal education presentations and co-counsel cases with other volunteers and legal aid attorneys. If you are someone you know feel that they are deprived from getting justice just because they cannot afford to pay to a good law firm or attorney, now our Associate lawyers can consider representation on pro bono basis meaning for free of cost.

We have a professional responsibility to use our legal knowledge for the public good.

Giving legal advice is what we do best, and it makes the biggest impact. But our non-lawyers also make an important contribution to our pro bono program by volunteering their professional skills.
Lawyers have a special obligation to the administration of justice. We believe that community service and pro bono public work are integral to the practice of law and the firm has made it a priority to give a voice to those who otherwise might not be heard.

We have worked on matter as diverse as death penalty cases, a class action case against the Department of Agriculture on behalf of women farmers, legal assistance for clients at the Legal Aid Society and state supreme court cases on behalf of women’s groups on domestic violence and privacy issues, and immigrant rights cases, and providing legal assistance to veterans in need. In addition to the impressive variety of its practices, we devoted to carrying on our tradition of pro bono work and community service. Associates and partners work in a range of areas-including child abduction cases, housing and homelessness, voting rights, nonprofit incorporation, and asylum-and for a variety of organizations-such as Immigration Equality, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, Action, and Human Rights First. Global legal consultant’s commitment to public interest work dates back to the firm’s founding. Our, attorneys and staff have contributed hundreds of thousands of hours, while ensuring the firm remains at the forefront of the private bar’s effort to address unequal access to legal representation. Our pro bono projects cover a wide range of topics, including political asylum, civil rights and fair housing.

While our firm is committed to pro bono, its core practices obviously drive the firm. Among our robust practice areas are litigation, environmental, intellectual property, corporate, bankruptcy, hedge funds, energy and international litigation and arbitration.

© 2020 Global Legal Services